Saturday 29 December 2012

Tip of the Day- Regulating your skin care products

As some are aware, our skin requires different treatment at different stages of our life. That's why there are always skincare products that caters to 20s,30s,40s and so on.

Some people like a product and stick to it forever, using it as a routine, that is why sometimes to a certain point, it felt stagnant, as though the skin conditions never improves.

Others are too afraid to try something new as it might cause other new skin conditions or outbreaks.

But skin, just like health, requires some sort of balance.

Regulating your skin care will ensure that the nutrients, care that your skin needs will be balanced.

If you have different types of serums, moisturizers and you think is a little too much to finish, use it on alternating nights or twice in a week. (If used regularly, it can still be used finished and no worries about wasting it due to expiry)

Try it and let me know if this works for you.

If you have even better ways, do share with me too! I will love to know.

Lastly, monday is coming and that rings a bell that weekend is about to end.

So Lets say a little prayer and may the upcoming week be beautiful as we bid goodbye to 2012 and ushering in 2013!


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